Chitravati Gr
Type Locality and Naming
Upper Group of the Cuddapah Supergroup
Lithology and Thickness
Sandstone: Consists of a lower Pulivendla Quartzite Fm, middle Tapatri Fm (with volcanics, of which the mafic sills are dated as ca. 1888 Ma), upper Gandikota Quartzite Fm. Total thickness is 4975 m.
[Figures: Field photographs showing lithology and sedimentary features in the Papaghni Gr and Chitravati Gr of the Cuddapah Supergroup. Gulcheru Quartzite Fm - (A) basal conglomerate overlying granitic basement off Parnapalli; and (B) pebbly grit grading to rough cross-stratified coarse sandstone. (C) Heterolithic sandstone-shale at Gulcheru Quartzite Fm / Vempalle Fm transition. (D) Vempalle Fm - stromatolitic limestone, (E) Pulivendla Quartzite Fm - basal conglomerate; note silicified stromatolite remnant in a large pebble. Tadpatri Fm - (F) silicified stromatolite (hemispheroidal forms) intercalated with basaltic flow (dark band), and (G) shale with a thick mafic sill. Gandikota Quartzite Fm - (H) plateau forming sheet sandstone, (I) cross-stratified sandstone, and (J) interference ripples. (from Saha et al., 2016)]
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unconformity onto Vempalle Fm (upper Papaghni Gr)
Upper contact
Tectonic contact, then Bairenkonda Quartzite Fm (lower Nallamalai Gr)
Regional extent
Depositional setting
Subtidal bar in lower part to tidal-influenced bars at top. Sedimentation within the Chitravati Group also saw a strong pulse of mafic igneous activity, indicated by common occurrence of mafic flows and dykes within the Tadpatri Fm.
Additional Information